About loeffler's disease

What is loeffler's disease?

Loeffler's disease is a transient respiratory illness associated with the higher production of a type of disease-fighting white blood cell usually called eosinophils in the lungs. 

  • Loeffler's disease or syndrome is also recognized as Transient Pulmonary Infiltrate with Eosinophilia Syndrome. This syndrome involves the regulation of eosinophils in the lungs in response to a parasite infection.

  • In the beginning, Loeffler's syndrome starts its journey in the human body when a person ingests food with the fertilized egg of a worm, and the food reaches the intestine hatch and forms a larva which is penetrated by the duodenum( first part of the small intestine). 

  • Afterward, due to portal circulation, the toxicant substances reach the liver, and through the liver, it transports them to the inferior vena cava. Furthermore, it reaches the heart, and the heart pumps it to the lungs.

  • Once the blood is pumped into the lungs, Alveoli receive that hazardous blood and absorb oxygen from the blood, resulting in a cough. Likewise, that cough is pushed into Trachea and transported later on to the oral cavity, and when swallowed, results in the formation of eggs that are excreted by stools. 

  • During its journey from larva to Alveoli, it can create more than required white blood cells called eosinophils and plumply infiltrate in lungs, resulting in Loeffler's disease. 

What are the symptoms for loeffler's disease?

V symptom was found in the loeffler's disease condition

Common symptoms of Loeffler's disease include:

  • Fever: The person could have a mild to an extreme rise in body temperature. The Fever will last till one doesn't get the proper medication for Loeffler's syndrome.

  • Malaise: The overall Weakness in the body of the sufferer. The person with this syndrome may expect to feel great or acute discomfort, illness, or lack of well-being.

  • Cough: Since it is a respiratory syndrome, the person infected with the same might catch a Cough for a longer period than expected. 

  • Wheezing: Blockage and tightening of airways result in wheezing. Wheezing includes experiencing a shrill whistle or coarse rattle you hear when your airway is partially blocked.

  • Dyspnea: The Shortness of breath is known as Dyspnea. The person with Loeffler's disease might expect intense tightening in the chest, air hunger, difficulty breathing, breathlessness, or a feeling of suffocation.

Some people also experience the following discomforts:

  • Urticaria: It is more like a skin Rash or reaction. Sometimes a patient might experience a Rash of round, red welts on the skin that itch intensely, sometimes with dangerous Swelling on the whole or particular body parts like chest, stomach, or back.

  • Anorexia: It is very rare to find in a patient with eosinophilia syndrome. It is an eating disorder where an underweight person might skip food because he thinks he is overweight.

  • Myalgia: The person with Loeffler's disease may expect muscle pain or sore muscle.

What are the causes for loeffler's disease?

The causes of Loeffler’s disease include:

  • Ascariasis is the primary disease that causes the infection in the small intestine by a species of roundworm called Ascaris lumbricoid. These are a type of parasitic roundworms. These are the most common type of parasite worms found in the human body.

  • The process of developing this infection starts in the mouth when a person accidentally intake fertilized egg of a worm with is available improperly unwashed food having particles of soil.

  • Once the particle is consumed orally then it reaches the small intestine where the eggs hatch and are released into a larva. That larva continues to enter into the intestine and misses with blood streamline.

  • As the bloodstream reaches the lungs for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, these toxicant particles reach the alveoli and trachea and lead to discomfort in breathing. Usually, it requires ten days to see problems in the patient after the hatching of eggs.

  • To fight this, the body releases white blood cells, and the overproduction of white blood cells in the Lungs usually leads to Loeffler’s disease. 

  • Strongyloides, stercoralis and Dirofilaria limits are some other parasites that disturb the balance of the human body, resulting in Loeffler’s diseases.

What are the treatments for loeffler's disease?

A person suffering from Loeffler's disease will constantly suffer from fever, cough, weakness, and dizziness. 

Here are some treatments you can consider for fighting Loeffler's disease.

  • In the beginning, the doctor will ask for a chest X-ray and blood testing to confirm the diagnosis and know the severity of the condition. The doctor might record the symptoms reflected in the patient's body. Considering all the things together, he will set the base for treatment.

  • The main symptom of Loeffler's disease is Eosinophilia. eosinophils are white blood cells fighting and destroying foreign substances in the body. If eosinophils exceed 350 cells/mcL, the doctor will cure them according to the increase.

  • Usually, mebendazole 2 x 100 mg/day for three days is prescribed to cure Loeffler's disease, but in some extreme cases, specialists might change the dose or medicine.

  • Oral albendazole is the best choice to treat neurocysticercosis, a nervous system infection caused by pork tapeworms. This also targets the GIT (gastrointestinal tract) phase of illness. 

  • Analysis of sputum and gastric leverages might be required for the treatment.

  • Bronchoalveolar lavages are done to collect the samples from the lungs. 

What are the risk factors for loeffler's disease?

Loeffler's disease is a mild and self-limiting illness. Following are the risk factors associated with Loeffler's disease:

  • Children who show Pica are more prone to this syndrome. Pica is an eating disorder in which individuals obsessively consume non-food objects. The most often consumed substances are sand, gravel, and peeling paint.

  • Low socioeconomic status and poor immunity in the children are other factors. 

Other risk factors include: 

  • Ascaris Lumbricoides mostly cause Loeffler's syndrome. 

  • It can also be caused by other parasites which pass through their lungs as part of their life cycle. 

  • Ascaris lumbricoides and visceral larva migrans (produced by Toxocara Canis) can also lead to Loeffler's disease. 

  • Like a clinical syndrome, Loeffler's syndrome can also be produced by a pathogen known as paragonimus westermani. 

How exactly do these parasites enter your body and become a risk factor?

  • With food, the child will ingest the fertilized eggs of worms (nematodes).

  • These eggs will hatch in the intestines and release the larva.

  • This larva will penetrate the duodenum and will enter the portal circulation.

  • From the portal circulation, they will reach the liver, then the inferior vena cava, and from there, these worms or larva will reach the heart.  

  • When the heart pumps, these worms (through the pulmonary veins) will reach the lungs.

Is there a cure/medications for loeffler's disease?

Educating and spreading some awareness amongst people about appropriate hand washing and proper feces disposal are two of the most effective ways to prevent Loeffler’s disease.


  • A stethoscope will be used to hear your lungs and heart. Rales, crackle-like noises, may be heard. Rales are a sign of lung inflammation.
  • On a Complete Blood Count (CBC), there may be an increase in white blood cells, notably eosinophils.
  • Infiltrates or irregular shadows might appear on a chest X-Ray. Various parts of the lung may show up at different times.
  • eosinophils are often seen in bronchoscopy specimens that have been washed.
  • Ascaris worms and other parasites may be detected via a technique that removes the stomach contents (gastric lavage).


  • Antibiotics and antiparasitic medicines are often used to treat infections.
  • Corticosteroids, which are anti-inflammatory medications, may be used to treat aspergillosis.
  • It is possible that your doctor may instruct you to stop taking medication if you are allergic to it. Talk to your doctor before you stop taking medication.

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